Saturday, June 7, 2014

How To Be A "Good Girl" :First Installment

Hello my beautiful readers,
Goodness I've had no time to blog. I'm in literally every extra curricular at school and I'm in every honor's class but now it's summer!! It is also raining so I have nothing better to do. So I posted on how to be a good girl before so some of this will be repeat advice but you'll need it all the same. I figure I'll be learning many more things throughout the rest of my high school career so I'm going to make many more installments. So to begin:
How to be a good girl at school:
1. Teachers hear and see everything. When you say something that you wouldn't want a teacher to hear they telepathically tell everyone else to shut up so they can hear you embarrass yourself by saying something totally vulgar or gross
2. The best way to fight back to someone who is threatening you is to let them attack you. If they are in your face and want to beat you, just stand there. They usually don't punch idle people. It's pointless and will get them into quite a bit of trouble. Plus you'll seem like a total bad ass for just standing there
3.The nicer you are to teachers the more they let you slip up on homework
4. Don't ask stupid questions. This includes but it not limited to:

  • When will we ever use this in life?
  • I wasn't here yesterday. Did you do anything important?
  • Why do we have to learn this?
  • Do we need our book tomorrow?
  • Can we go outside?
  • How much work will we have in this class?
  • Is this going to be on the test?
  • Can we use notes on our test?
  • Can we watch a movie?
5. The one who gossips to you, gossips about you
6. STOP THE PDA! A hug and a peck on the lips doesn't bother me but you shouldn't be sucking each others' tongues in the hall way. How romantic is that anyway? Like awwwh cuuute your first kiss happened in the stair well as apposed to in the snow, rain or on a beautiful romantic beach somewhere. LIKE HELLO? Don't create a ritual of making out in school. I can't even begin to explain how bored you'll get of each other. Kissing should bring butterflies. That's why unplanned pregnancies and genital warts happen! Everyone gets so damn bored of just making out so they go all "Sexy, Can I?" on everyone
7. If you wear reveling clothes don't be surprised that guys use you for your body. People will roll their eyes when you say, "I just want a guy who doesn't use me only for my body!" Then stop marketing it, Sweetie
8. Use heels with discretion
9. Stop the constant swearing. Believe it or not it doesn't make you look cute. If you swear once in awhile, that's cool but if you say "F**k" in every sentence it just makes you look trashy. A classy man wants a classy woman and a trashy man wants a trashy woman
10. Actually do well in school. Where the hell do you think you all are going to end up? If you don't get good grades, you wont make good money and you'll be living on the street. How cute will doing drugs, partying and having sex look then?
11. Make friends. The only way someone can be a loner is if they let themselves be. It's quite a bit easier than you may think. Just don't judge someone... even if they have pom poms... it doesn't mean they don't have souls
12. The first amendment doesn't exist in school because we are minors and anything that may disrupt learning, safety, etc can and will get you into major trouble. Don't go saying it's your "right" because it isn't
13. If they make you change your clothes deal with it. Yeah, it's your money, your body etc but it's school and their rules, deal. Petition all you want, it will change nothing.
How to be a good girl at home:
1. Parents always win. Accept your punishment even it seems unjust. If you fight you'll just make it worse
2. If they won't let you wear what you want change at school
3. Just clean your room. You don't want creepy insects nesting in your room. Just ask my brother. It happens.
4. If your mother doesn't like one of your friends, it's for good reason. Complaining won't make your mother like them
5. Don't sneak out. Just don't. You're not as clever as you think
6. One day you'll learn that your parents aren't against you. They always have your best interest in mind
7. It takes along time to build trust and seconds to destroy it
8. Never hide anything in your room
9. Don't get sloppy with hiding things. If you've successfully hidden something for a long time you'll tend to get sloppy. Be careful
Being a good girlfriend of a high schooler:
1. Don't buy him anything that isn't edible
2. Don't let him buy you anything that isn't edible or won't die (I can't tell you how many necklaces I have that I can't wear)
3. Never discuss video games (If you do he'll never stop)
4. Don't talk about him to his friends
5. Don't control what he eats
6. Watch yourself when you talk to guys. He may mistake this for flirting
7. Never make relationships statuses or post billions of pictures if you with him. Breaking up and having to delete everything is effort that you don't need to add to your busy schedule
8. Don't tell him what to do
9. Don't try to help him in school or try to coax him into doing better in school
10. Never brag
11. Don't complain
12. Don't discuss political views
13. Don't discuss religious views
14. Treat him like he's the only guy in the world
15. If he treats you like his bitch, this is normal
16. Don't you dare get jealous!
17. Don't get mad at him if he becomes jealous
18. Don't ask him why he didn't text you back or call you back
19. Don't be clingy
20. If you judge yourself he'll agree because he probably won't be smart enough to form opinions for himself (sad but true)
21. Don't ask him if your dress makes you look fat. There's only a 20% chance he'll say what you want to hear
22. Never tease him in front of his friends
23. Don't burp, fart or sweat near him
24. Let him say he loves you first
25. Don't dress to impress him. If you wanted to impress a boy with how you dressed just go nude
26. If you must send nudes DON'T PUT YOUR FACE IN IT! If you don't you can always deny it
27. Don't mean to be a total parent but sex doesn't equal love
28. Make sure you smell pretty
29. Remember now it's not all about you. You are with someone who has feelings, emotions and a life all his/her own. It's no longer all about you. Make sure to ask them how they're doing. Learn their fake smiles. Learn what makes him laugh and what makes him smile. Visit him when he's sick. Tell him he looks attractive. Relationships are a part of growing up

I'll post more installments and blog posts soon. This week is looking pretty rainy. Bye, my beauties.

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