Monday, August 12, 2013

Bras, Panties and Oh it's Random Monday

In girl scout camp a couple of years ago a woman game to us and talked about barn owls. She said if we litter in the streets, the rats will eat the garbage, the owls will eat the rats and then the cars will hit the owls. Dead owl. So I asked her if we could throw our trash into the field. My humor has always been quite dry and teachers have never really liked it. Infact instead of doing my summer homework I'm going to write a detailed paper about how smart people shouldn't have to do summer homework while the kids who barely try in school get tp enjoy their summer. How the hell is that fair? So my grade drops 7%, who cares? They appreciate my hard work and good grades but they don't like my random out burts or my papers that they find "inapropriate. In 7th grade I wrote a paper questioning why God loved prostitutes and no homosexuals. Or in 8th grade when I wrote a paper about the school dress code being way to flexable. What is up with leggings without covering their butts? To much saggy butt syndrome. I can't stand walking up the steps behind a girl with water balloons where her ass should be. I hate to sound like my mother but sluts get layed, ladies get real relationships. No gentalmen wants a women who isn't just as proper. Also those v-necks aren't cute! I can't tell you how to dress but v-necks give the saggy boob look and it's gross.
Speaking of saggy boobs my grandma is in town. Wow, she is a bright ray of sunshine. Except she doesn't like me, she doesn't like me and oh yeah, she doesn't like me. She wanted to take tons of pictures with my brother and his football gear but when I offer to take a picture of me in my cheer uniform she just ignores me. My cousin wants to go to Broadway. My grandma takes her to Broadway. I want to go to Canada. I have to PAY FOR IT. It isn't cheap either. My cousin is much more special than me because she graduated a semester earlier. Oh great she gets to skip prom! I'm so proud. I try so hard to be good and make her proud but everything I do is wrong. We were at the horse track and if I would have placed bets on all the races I would have made a total of $47.60 but I didn't have the money to place the bets so I just circled my bets. My brother made about $13. My grandma bragged to everyone there how great my brother is at picking horsses. He picked because he liked the colors.Thanks Grandma.
Woah it's cold in here. Anywho I have a  athletic physical tomorrow. I was filling out the sheet and it asked me how many times I got my period in the last year. Who the hell counts? Like who tallies it. Oh looks like it's my fourth period so far this year. How is my period going to affect my athletic ability? I hate when they make me strip down and wear those hospital robes. My butt hangs out the back. Why do they have to touch me in my no no area anyway? I can tell you when something is wrong. I know when I'm feeling out of sorts. I don't need someone else to tell me. Sometimes I even get a male doctor. I know he's my doctor but I don't feel bad about being uncomfortable when an old man touches me. I hate to be rude.
Speaking of rude people. People at school can be so rude. Like one day we were waiting for the bus and these girls were calling eachother ratchet and all of a sudden they were ripping eachothers' hair out. That night it was posted on the internet. There have been so many fights posted on the internet lately. And one time this boy just came up to me and told me I need to wash my hair and wash my face and take off those combat boots (they were not combat boots!) Is everyone in the world like this? Is it just my school? I need to move. I have never watched movies, read books, or heard anyone talk about people so rude. I've never done anything to this boy. He isn't so angel faced either but I would never say that to his face. I chose to take the proper aproach and stick gum under his foot when he wasn't looking. Atleast I had a reason. My teacher said she had a breath problem because of a medication she was talking (BS) but these girls teased her about it all the time. Whenever she would yell at them they would wave their hand infront of their noses. Like really is that nessesary? I guess I won't understand the minds of people.
There is this guy at school that pats himself on the back for knowing people. I bet he couldn't tell me why poeple are so rude. He's more rude than anyone. He wouldn't like me until I got a boyfriend and then he would start liking me again. Whatever though I have a new crush. I mean he has a girlfriend and is much older than I am but he's so adorable! I'm so glad this blog is a secret. I love random Mondays. They happen to be a wonderful type of random.
Sorry about my ranting but today is random Monday when I will talk about a bunch of random subjects that I need to just you know, talk about. Tell me what you think about my ideas. I love comments. It's my favorite thing ever. I like talking. As you can see.

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