Friday, August 23, 2013

When The People We Are Told To Look Up To, Look Down Upon Us

So the coach was kind of annoyed with the Varsity Cheerleaders because they had been saying rude stuff about the Junior Varsity Squad. She said that if she ever saw it again they would be kicked off the squad. I happen to be on the JV team but that's totally fine with me because it's my first year so I'm not very good yet. I personally don't think you should get any chances if you are insulting the lower team. We are all cheerleaders. It's actually weird how much real life is like the movies. I thought cheerleading was just a fun sport to do, a sport filled with peppy people who have school spirit, not a place where girls are acutally getting made fun of for not being the best. The coach also talked about how the Varsity girls should be role models for the JV. I will never look up to them. I don't want to be some girl who is mean to girls because they aren't good enough. I'm tired off this whole wall put between the teams. We should all being cheering on the same side of the football field. We should all be going to the beach together. We are all a team. Next year I or my team mates might not be on the JV team. It won't be fun for us knowing the cheerleaders we're having bake sales and sleep overs with were recently making fun of us. I used to idolize the cheerleaders. I wanted to try to see the good in everything and make people smile but I can't make other people smile if I'm busy trying to get my own team to smile. Non of the girls in JV really want to be on JV because of how unfairly we are being treated. It's sad to think that girls today are giving up their dreams because other people made them feel inferior. If I ever organize JV events they won't be just for JV girls. These events will be for anyone who wants to go. The won't be JV only. Nothing will have the word "only" in the name.
It's actually awkward for me because last year I didn't think bullying exsisted. I thought that the person getting picked on had just pissed off the other person. In some cases that is true but not all the time. Now I get picked on for no reason other than the fact that my vertical is.... well.... not very vertical. Bullying will never stop and sometimes we'll just have to suck it up. It just kind of hurts to know that the people we are suposed to be looking up to are looking down on us.
Sorry my blog was so short today. I wasn't planning on it but I saw an email that our coach sent out and needed to speak my feelings.

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